Pictured: Dr. Catharine Winstanley (centre), surrounded by lab members including research technician Dr. Sukhbir Kaur (top left) and former graduate student Dr. Jacqueline-Marie Ferland (top right). Image source: UBC Department of Psychology.


CIHR-funded projects

Profiles of women in science: Prof. Catharine Winstanley of the University of British Columbia

Twitter highlights

Well, we’ve made it – the last day of 2018! Here is the second to last top tweeted paper of 2018: Exciting MSJ paper on research indicating a pattern of signs that may indicate a future diagnosis of #MS @MSJ_Research https://t.co/nJjClrm7Dx #2k19countdown #TopTweets2018 pic.twitter.com/TRFdi2YaNf
— SAGE Neurology & Neuroscience (@SAGENeuro) December 31, 2018


Did we miss something? Do you have a story tip? We want to hear from you! Send your research highlights, upcoming publications, trainee successes, and funding and awards news to emily.wight@brain.ubc.ca.