An updated database listing over 100,000 of the most cited-researchers in the world has been released and includes 49 DMCBH members.

The Elsevier database lists researchers in all fields of science who have published at least five papers. The selection is based on the top 100,000 scientists by c-score or a percentile rank of 2% or above in the sub-field.

The database was first established in 2019 and classifies scientists into 22 scientific fields and 174 sub-fields. It provides a comprehensive and accurate way of measuring citation metrics by ranking researchers based on career-long (updated to end-of-2022) and single-year data (citations received during the 2022 calendar year). The top-cited scientists are identified based on citation metrics including total citations, h-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions and a composite indicator (c-score).

Congratulations to all our members who are listed in the database!

Doug Altshuler, Jehannine Austin, Philip Barker, Jason Barton, Lara Boyd, Neil Cashman, Luke Clark, Ann Marie Craig, Max Cynader, Adele Diamond, Stan Floresco, Sophia Frangou, Ryan Hoiland, Tao Huan, Daniel Goldowitz, Judy Illes, Ujendra Kumar, Raymond Lam, Blair Leavitt, Teresa Liu-Ambrose, Ian Mackenzie, Brian MacVicar, Martin McKeown, Freda Miller, Steven Miller, Robert Molday, Timothy Murphy, Anthony Philips, Catharine Rankin, Lynn Raymond, Jeremy Seamans, Mypinder Sekhon, Noah Silverberg, Terrance SnutchJason Snyder, Kiran Soma, Vesna Sossi, Jon Stoessl, Sriram Subramaniam, Wolfram Tetzlaff, Anthony Traboulsee, Helen Tremlett, Victor Viau, Lawrence Ward, Joanne Weinberg, Cheryl Wellington, Janet Werker, Catharine Winstanley, Lakshmi Yatham