Congratulations to Dr. Terry Snutch and Dr. Robin Hsiung on receiving 2025 Operating Grants from CLEAR (Canadians for Leading Edge Alzheimer Research) Foundation to support their work in advancing dementia research.
Learn more about the research projects:
Proof-of-concept of a stage 3 drug to attenuate hyper excitability-mediated pathophysiologies linked to Frontotemporal Dementia
Dr. Snutch’s ground-breaking translational research focuses on Frontotemporal Dementia(FTD), a devastating neurodegenerative disease. Employing animal models, his research aims to test the effectiveness of Z944, a Stage 3 drug that his lab designed to address hyperexcitability in neurons, a feature linked to FTD dementia progression. If successful, this research could potentially pave the way for a promising therapeutic option for FTD patients within just 2-3 years.
Highly sensitive plasma biomarkers development for non-Alzheimer dementias
Dr. Hsiung is advancing the field of dementia by developing highly sensitive plasma biomarkers to help identify and differentiate different types of dementias. Using the innovative Alamar NULISA platform, his research seeks to detect specific biomarker changes in dementias such as Frontotemporal Dementia and Lewy Body Disease. The results could accelerate therapeutic development by having accurate, non-invasive blood tests for people living with dementia.