The Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) is an online resource to help athletes, parents, coaches, health practitioners, and now teachers to recognize, treat, and prevent concussions to decrease the risk of lasting damage and long-term health issues. Updated monthly, CATT provides users with the most comprehensive collection of concussion information in British Columbia, and includes video tutorials, printable resources, and online commentary by professionals.
Following the success of the first two toolkits (CATT for Health Practitioners and CATT for Parents, Players and Coaches), Dr. Shelina Babul announced the launch of CATT for Educators this week. This new tool will provide teachers, administrators and classroom support staff with the necessary resources for supporting a concussed student in their integration back into a classroom environment following a mild brain injury.
“CATT for Educators is an essential piece of our concussion awareness and management program,” says Dr. Babul. “It empowers educators to recognize and understand how to respond to a student who has sustained a concussion and to slowly integrate them back to school.”
Dr. Babul, an investigator with the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health, is the Associate Director of and a Sports Injury Specialist with the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit. CATT for Educators was developed by the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit in partnership with the BC Ministry of Health, and the GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre, part of Vancouver Coastal Health.
“We have been excited to see how well the first two CATT tools have been received,” says Dr. Babul. “Many sporting associations such as Football BC, Richmond Girls Soccer and Vancouver United Soccer are mandating CATT training prior to the start of the season, while other organizations are highly recommending this training to league parents and coaches.”
For more information, visit