Tamara Vanderwal

Degrees / Credentials



Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, UBC


Full Member

Contact Info

Mailing Address
BC Children's Hospital Ambulatory Care Building
4th Floor, K4107
4500 Oak St
Vancouver, BC V6H 3N1

Research Information

My lab uses naturalistic conditions (particularly movies) to study neural and behavioural responses, with a focus on child psychiatric disorders. Our research has two main emphases. First, from a methods perspective, we are interested in testing new ways to leverage the variability and duration of signals collected under naturalistic conditions. Additionally, we are working on ways to improve scientific control during naturalistic viewing that do not violate the dynamics of the stimuli themselves. Second, we are interested in using complex conditions to identify clinically relevant brain differences in different disorders that apply at the individual subject level. We make and test professionally produced movie paradigms for use in neuroscience (e.g., our Inscapes paradigm is now used in labs around the world), and we are currently working on a movie designed to evoke symptoms in childhood-onset OCD.
