PhD (McGill University)
Postdoc (Stanford)
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, UBC
Full Member
After finishing her undergraduate studies in Chemistry, Dr. Hariri moved to Montreal where she pursued a PhD in Materials Science at McGill University with a research focus on DNA characterization at the single molecule level using fluorescence methodologies. In 2017, she started her postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University in the lab of Prof. Tom Soh where she also became an instructor, and was focused on the development of advanced biosensors for detecting biomolecules at low concentrations directly in complex environment with high sensitivity and specificity for the early detection and personalized treatment of diseases.
Ongoing research aimed at developing new therapies for a variety of brain disorders including Parkinson’s disease, Epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s disease, depend on our ability to monitor neurochemicals such as neurotransmitters in the brain. Neuroscientists have clearly established that a variety of chemical species/processes act together over multiple temporal and spatial domains to govern a specific behaviour. However, so far, no technology allows the detailed mapping of the spatially and temporally dynamic chemical content of the brain with a sufficient resolution across different regions.
Addressing these challenges will be at the heart of my group’s research goals. The research goal of my lab will be to create materials and tools that will allow a quantitative chemical view of the brain across scales from single neuron to brain slice to the living brain. Importantly, we will be focusing on: