Dr. Ofer Yizhar: Optogenetic control of synaptic transmission with bistable rhodopsins

DMCBH Room 3402 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Abstract: Long-range synaptic transmission between brain regions allows synchrony and coordination between neural circuits and is the foundation for complex information processing and behavior. For example, outputs from the prefrontal cortex to diverse subcortical circuits are crucial for regulation of learning, decision-making, and social behavior. Optogenetics has allowed unprecedented advances in understanding the causal roles […]

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Dr. Harriet de Wit: Microdosing:  Fact or Fiction?

Rudy North Lecture Theatre, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Zoom option if unable to attend in person: Zoom link here (click on “Join a meeting”) Meeting ID: 91512 289258 Passcode: 289258 Dr. Harriet de Wit will review evidence for the purported beneficial effects of ‘microdosing’ psychedelic drugs, specifically LSD.  She will describe recent studies from her laboratory investigating behavioral and neural effects of low doses of […]

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Melanie Lysenko-Martin: Novel Approaches to Evaluate how Chronic Cannabis Exposure & Audiovisual Cues drive Impulsivity and Risky Decision-Making

DMCBH Room 3402 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Join us for the UBC Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars (BNS), a lecture series featuring DMCBH trainees and professors in a casual setting. Talks take place from 3-4 pm every Friday in DMCBH 3402A-C and on Zoom. RSVP is not required. This week's speaker is Melanie Lysenko-Martin from the Winstanley lab. Zoom link: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/61318867702?pwd=VER4SC9FSGFzSW5TZHFKWi8vaUlEUT09 Meeting ID: 613 […]

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Dr. Emily Liman: The secret of sour: Discovery structure and function of the sour receptor OTOP1.

Rudy North Lecture Theatre, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Zoom option if unable to attend in person: Zoom link here (click on “Join a meeting”) Meeting ID: 91512 289258 Passcode: 289258 Identifying and discriminating among compounds prior to ingestion is essential for animals to survive and thrive. Taste receptor cells encode five basic taste qualities, for which receptors and signaling pathways had been described for all […]

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Dr. Ramon Diaz-Arrastia: Traumatic brain injury-related neurodegeneration: What is the pathology.

Rudy North Lecture Theatre, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Zoom option if unable to attend in person: Zoom link here (click on “Join a meeting”) Meeting ID: 91512 289258 Passcode: 289258 Evidence accumulated over the past decades has shown that for many patients, traumatic brain injury (TBI) triggers cellular and molecular processes that continue to evolve long after the acute period and initial recovery. While these […]

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Exploring the Impact: A Clinical Study on Fentanyl Use in Vulnerable Populations

DHCC 9299 - Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre 2775 Laurel Street, Vancouver

This month, Raha Masoudi from the Department of Psychiatry, will present “Exploring the Impact: A Clinical Study on Fentanyl Use in Vulnerable Populations.” Zoom link if unable to attend in person: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/5747966049?pwd=N1ppY2tUS3o4bk9vTkFSTzBna3k0Zz09 Meeting ID: 574 796 6049 Passcode: 052059

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Dr. Janine Kwapis: Time to learn: Diurnal regulation of memory by the clock gene Per1

Rudy North Lecture Theatre, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Zoom option if unable to attend in person: Zoom link here (click on “Join a meeting”) Meeting ID: 91512 289258 Passcode: 289258 Many biological processes, including memory formation, are strongly influenced by the circadian system, which synchronizes animals’ internal states with the external time of day. Long-term memory performance changes across the day/night cycle in both humans […]

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Nikolas Kokan: Habituation and the Interstimulus Interval

DMCBH Room 3402 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Join us for the UBC Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars (BNS), a lecture series featuring DMCBH trainees and professors in a casual setting. Talks take place from 3-4 pm every Friday in DMCBH 3402A-C and on Zoom. RSVP is not required. This week's speaker is Nikolas Kokan from the Rankin lab. Zoom link: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/61318867702?pwd=VER4SC9FSGFzSW5TZHFKWi8vaUlEUT09 Meeting ID: 613 […]

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Dr. Nick Steinmetz: Brain-wide coordinated dynamics and Neuropixels Ultra

Rudy North Lecture Theatre, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Zoom option if unable to attend in person: Zoom link here (click on “Join a meeting”) Meeting ID: 91512 289258 Passcode: 289258 In this talk, I will describe two recent projects in my lab. In the first, we discovered that brain-wide spatiotemporal dynamics (i.e. traveling waves) are coordinated on a moment-to-moment basis between neocortex and striatum, thalamus, […]

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Brittany Docolas: Strategies for Brain-Targeted Estrogen Delivery

DMCBH Room 3402 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Join us for the UBC Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars (BNS), a lecture series featuring DMCBH trainees and professors in a casual setting. Talks take place from 3-4 pm every Friday in DMCBH 3402A-C and on Zoom. RSVP is not required. This week's speaker is Brittany Docolas from the Soma lab. Zoom link: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/61318867702?pwd=VER4SC9FSGFzSW5TZHFKWi8vaUlEUT09 Meeting ID: 613 […]

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Dr. Alicia Izquierdo: Translational models of frontocortical circuits in learning and decision making

Rudy North Lecture Theatre, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Zoom option if unable to attend in person: Zoom link here (click on “Join a meeting”) Meeting ID: 91512 289258 Passcode: 289258 Orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) have been assigned various overlapping roles ranging from learning and responding to reward, signaling value and uncertainty, and supporting economic decisions, to name a few. Both of […]

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Neuroscience Research Colloquium

The Neuroscience Research Colloquium (NRC), is a series of lectures featuring local and international neuroscientists.