Menghao Lu: The functions of CaMKII and PKC in Wnt-dependent neurite pruning

DMCBH Room 3402 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Join us for the UBC Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars (BNS), a lecture series featuring DMCBH trainees and professors in a casual setting. Talks take place from 3-4 pm every Friday in DMCBH 3402A-C and on Zoom. RSVP is not required. This week's speaker is Menghao Lu from the Mizumoto lab. Zoom link: Meeting ID: 613 […]

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Dr. Irene Vavasour: Diving into neuroimaging research with FINS

Rudy North Lecture Theatre, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Zoom option if unable to attend in person: Zoom link here (click on “Join a meeting”) Meeting ID: 91512 289258 Passcode: 289258 The Fipke Integrated Neuroimaging Suite (FINS) hosts state-of-the-art neuroimaging equipment including a 3T Philips MRI scanner and a 3T GE PET/MR scanner. Our translational research includes developing better imaging tools for disorders such as multiple […]

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Anna Mazurenko: Regional Variations in Steroidogenic Enzymatic Activity in Rat Placenta and Implications for Neurodevelopment

DMCBH Room 3402 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Join us for the UBC Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars (BNS), a lecture series featuring DMCBH trainees and professors in a casual setting. Talks take place from 3-4 pm every Friday in DMCBH 3402A-C and on Zoom. RSVP is not required. This week's speaker is Anna Mazurenko from the Soma lab. Zoom link: Meeting ID: 613 […]

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Dr. Mark Bevan: Dysregulation and rescue of subthalamic nucleus locomotor function in Huntington’s disease mice

Rudy North Lecture Theatre, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Zoom option if unable to attend in person: Zoom link here (click on “Join a meeting”) Meeting ID: 91512 289258 Passcode: 289258 In this seminar I will focus on our recent studies on the role of the subthalamic nucleus in motor control and its dysregulation in movement disorders.  We found that 1) subthalamic locomotor encoding and gait […]

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Quincy Collins: Exploring embryonic microglial responsiveness to maternal stress during pregnancy

DMCBH Room 3402 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Join us for the UBC Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars (BNS), a lecture series featuring DMCBH trainees and professors in a casual setting. Talks take place from 3-4 pm every Friday in DMCBH 3402A-C and on Zoom. RSVP is not required. This week's speaker is Quincy Collins from the Rosin lab. Zoom link: Meeting ID: 613 […]

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Dr. Adrienne Fairhall: Cognitive rule-switching in macaques.

Rudy North Lecture Theatre, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Zoom option if unable to attend in person: Zoom link here (click on “Join a meeting”) Meeting ID: 91512 289258 Passcode: 289258 What is the neural basis of abstraction? Working in collaboration with experimental groups who have trained monkeys and humans on a decision task, we analyze how subjects make use of visual information and feedback to […]

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Michelle Jung: Effects of maternal sucrose consumption during pregnancy on maternal and fetal glucocorticoids

DMCBH Room 3402 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Join us for the UBC Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars (BNS), a lecture series featuring DMCBH trainees and professors in a casual setting. Talks take place from 3-4 pm every Friday in DMCBH 3402A-C and on Zoom. RSVP is not required. This week's speaker is Michelle Jung from the Soma lab. Zoom link: Meeting ID: 613 […]

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Dr. Joshua Berke: Time, Space and Dopamine

Rudy North Lecture Theatre, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Zoom option if unable to attend in person: Zoom link here (click on “Join a meeting”) Meeting ID: 91512 289258 Passcode: 289258 Dopamine is famously involved in reward, but exactly how continues to be the subject of debate. Two key functions include signaling reward expectations to promote motivated, effortful work, and signaling errors in reward expectation to promote […]

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Brandon Forys: To work or to slack? Choice and cognitive effort

DMCBH Room 3402 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Join us for the UBC Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars (BNS), a lecture series featuring DMCBH trainees and professors in a casual setting. Talks take place from 3-4 pm every Friday in DMCBH 3402A-C and on Zoom. RSVP is not required. This week's speaker is Brandon Forys from the Todd lab. Zoom link: Meeting ID: 613 […]

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Adam Lester: The Omniroute maze: a novel behavioural apparatus for dynamically configurable routes and sensory cues to investigate rodent navigation

DMCBH Room 3402 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Join us for the UBC Behavioural Neuroscience Seminars (BNS), a lecture series featuring DMCBH trainees and professors in a casual setting. Talks take place from 3-4 pm every Friday in DMCBH 3402A-C and on Zoom. RSVP is not required. This week's speaker is Adam Lester from the Madhav lab. Zoom link: Meeting ID: 613 […]

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The Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome: Translational Animal Models and Novel Candidate Drugs

DMCBH Room 3402 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

This month, three PhD students, Daria Oleinichenko (Phillips/Snutch labs), Isabella Gallello (Seamans/Phillips labs), and Ru Song (Phillips/MacVicar labs) from the Department of Psychiatry, will present “The Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome: Translational Animal Models and Novel Candidate Drugs.” Zoom link if unable to attend in person: Meeting ID: 574 796 6049 Passcode: 052059

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Neuroscience Research Colloquium

The Neuroscience Research Colloquium (NRC), is a series of lectures featuring local and international neuroscientists.