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Sodium (²³Na) MRI is a powerful tool for investigating sodium homeostasis in the brain, offering a unique, non-invasive method to study in vivo changes in sodium concentrations in both healthy and pathological conditions. Sodium plays an essential role in brain function by maintaining membrane potentials, supporting cellular energy metabolism, and regulating ion gradients – critical processes for neuronal activity and tissue integrity. Disruptions in sodium balance are recognized as key contributors to numerous neurological disorders, making in vivo ²³Na MRI an innovative and highly valuable technique for advancing neuroscience research.

This presentation will emphasize the neuroscientific applications of in vivo ²³Na MRI, particularly its capacity to reveal sodium imbalances associated with neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. I will focus on research in multiple sclerosis (MS), where altered sodium homeostasis has been explored as a promising biomarker of disease progression and its impact on motor and cognitive function. More broadly, I will explore how in vivo sodium MRI enhances our understanding of brain pathophysiology and its potential role in a wide range of neurological disorders beyond MS.


June 13
11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Rudy North Lecture Theatre, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health
2215 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z3 Canada

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