Developing infrastructure and initiatives that promote open science and data sharing is an important part of advancing research. In line with this, Dr. Paul Pavlidis has secured a grant from the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute to gauge interest in and develop principles that would eventually see the DMCBH declared an Open Science Institute. This would mean developing policies around the open availability and intellectual property protection of data and other scientific resources generated at the Centre.
Many teams at the DMCBH have already adopted Open Science practices within their own labs – an exciting start! Over the course of the next year, Dr. Pavlidis and his team including Dr. Judy Illes, Dr. Tim Murphy and Jeff LeDue, will be investigating how Open Science could be implemented on a larger scale across the Centre.
Join us for a Town Hall where the CBH Open Science Initiative team will present their plans for the year and Dr. Guy Rouleau, who led the Open Science Initiative at the McGill Neuro, will share how the Neuro was able to make this important transition.
We encourage everyone—faculty, trainees and staff—to attend to learn more about what being an Open Science Institute would mean for the Centre and to ask any questions you might have. This event will be in person in the Rudy North Lecture Theatre at DMCBH. A Zoom link is also available for those who are unable to attend in person.
Zoom link if unable to attend in person:
Passcode – 392007