Dr. Aki Taruno: A chemical synapse that lacks vesicles

Rudy North Lecture Theatre, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Zoom option if unable to attend in person: Zoom link here (click on “Join a meeting”) Meeting ID: 91512 289258 Passcode: 289258 Chemical neurotransmission is essential for a variety of neural processes […]

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Dr. Edward Boyden: Tools for Analyzing and Repairing the Brain

Rudy North Lecture Theatre, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Zoom option if unable to attend in person: Zoom link here (click on “Join a meeting”) Meeting ID: 91512 289258 Passcode: 289258 Understanding and repairing complex biological systems, such as the brain, […]

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Dr. Anna Phan: How social isolation impairs learning

Rudy North Lecture Theatre, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Zoom option if unable to attend in person: Zoom link here (click on “Join a meeting”) Meeting ID: 91512 289258 Passcode: 289258 Social isolation and loneliness has been on the rise for […]

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Dr. Sepideh Sadaghiani

Rudy North Lecture Theatre, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health 2215 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

Zoom option if unable to attend in person: Zoom link here (click on “Join a meeting”) Meeting ID: 91512 289258 Passcode: 289258

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Neuroscience Research Colloquium

The Neuroscience Research Colloquium (NRC), is a series of lectures featuring local and international neuroscientists.